Sunday, October 22, 2017

Not Good Enough

I have one question:
Am I not good enough?

You maybe wondering
what have I been thinking
what have I been feeling
and what have I been doing.

I’ll have to wake up
looking at the mirror,
hating what I see;
telling myself to look my best.
to be one of the most popular kids in school.

But is this good enough?

Come on!
Popularity has no need for this.
During your middle school,
you enter your class fixing your hair,
wearing the best clothes,
using the most expensive gadgets
and want others to like you
the way they like others.

But this is not the essence of school
nor life in general.
You don’t have to be
so good and pretty,
nor talented and smart.
You are loved.
You are beautiful.
You are perfection
for you are God’s masterpiece.

No one can judge you
as who you are.
Be happy with yourself.
Be grateful of what you have.
Be thankful of all the things you can.

You want to be those people?
But most people want to be YOU!

Be you.
Love who you are.
You may not be as cool as them
but you are awesome.
You may not be as smart
but you are you.

They can’t break you like glass
nor re-shape you like clay.
They can’t shatter you in a million pieces.
For you are your own kind of beauty.

Be yourself.
It may be hard fitting-in
and be a part of a constellation,
harder to shine
if you choose to blend.

You may not be as popular
but you will be heard
as long as you find your voice.

You may not blend-in
but you can stand out
as long as you realize:
YOU are a living miracle.
 You are good enough.